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Newspaper words of court vocabulary words english learn dear sir let's learn everyone verbs #shorts

Newspaper words of court vocabulary words english learn dear sir let's learn everyone verbs #shorts

Read also -  vocabs newspaper meanings for english speaking hindi Word From अख़बार के कठिन शब्द अर्थ spokenenglish

Extremism – अतिवाद, उग्रवाद
Syno – fanaticism, radicalism, zeal

Weakened – कमज़ोर हो जाना
Syno – enfeeble, incapacitate

Contraction – संकु चन
Syno – shrink, decline, decrease

Far from (Phrase) - tending to the
opposite of what is expected.

Merger – संयुक्त करनेका कायय,
Syno – amalgamation, combination

Consolidate – मज़बूि बनाना
Syno – strengthen, secure, fortify

Naxalite - a member of an armed
revolutionary group

Proscribe – प्रतिबंध लगाना
Syno – forbid, prohibit, ban

Discontent – असंिोष
Syno – dissatisfaction, chagrin

Privilege – तवशेष अतधकार या लाभ;
Syno – benefit, advantage,

Predictable – पूवायनुमेय
Syno – foreseeable, expectable

Uplift – ऊपर उठाना
Syno – boost, raise, elevate,

Genuine – वास्‍ितवक; असली
Syno – authentic, real, actual

Potency – शक्तक्त, प्रभाव
Syno- power, vigour, strength

Skirmish – झड़प
Syno – fight, clash, conflict, battle

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Alienation – तवलगाव
Syno – isolation, detachment

Compelled – तववश करना
Syno – force, pressure, impel

Give up (Phrase) - cease making
an effort; admit defeat.

Empowered - make (someone)
stronger and more confident,

Paradigms – नमूना
Syno – model, pattern, exampl


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